Sunday, November 25, 2012

Things Not To Do as a Chick-Fil-A Guest

Because I like to think that not everyone in the world wants to make people hate them, I have compiled a list of things you should not do in a Chick-Fil-A drive-thru in order to keep CFA Team Members from hating you. This list is arranged in no particular order of significance, and is not limited to the below points. I will probably continue this list throughout the rest of my blog posts from now on and forever more, because I'm almost positive that people do increasingly more stupid and annoying things as time continues.

#1: Being greedy. 
Let's get one thing straight: you will never need ten sauces for four nuggets. You don't even need ten sauces for 24 nuggets. I know CFA sauce is good and you want to go home and put it on all of your sandwiches and pizza and oxygen, but we do sell 8 ounces of the stuff for a reason. 

#2: Ridiculous requests.
"Can I get my side salad with no tomatoes?" 
"No, actually. No you cannot. Do you want to know why? Because we prep side salads ahead of time, and when someone makes a special request we have to make a brand new one. Do you know that we put one or two cherry tomatoes on our side salads? Do you know that they are small and round and contained enough that they don't spread contaminating tomato-dust onto anything they touch? Do you know that you have fingers that work just as well as our kitchen staff's? Do you know how easy it is to pick up that (those) tomato(es) all by yourself? You don't even have to find a trash can, you can actually throw it out your window. I'm pretty sure it's not littering when you're tossing something that grows on the earth anyway. And look, your window is already open! You don't even have to go to the work of pressing a button to get rid of those nasty little things. Unless you have an abnormal and extreme allergy and any form of slight contact with itty bitty tomatoes is life threatening to you, I think you can handle this one yourself."
In a perfect world, that would be my answer to that question.

#3: Not using your ears.
When I ask, "What would you like to drink?" There are many proper responses, but one of them is not "Yes."

#4: Not knowing the difference between a meal and an entree.
In case anyone is confused, a meal comes with a side and a drink. An entree does not. So when you say, "I want a number one meal with no drink," you actually just sound uneducated and obnoxious. However, I would prefer you saying something like that to saying, "I want five sandwiches just the entrees, and two fries and a cole slaw and two fruit cups... and five cokes." Because you know what just happened? I just rang up all those entrees and sides by themselves like you told me to, and now because of those cokes I have to cancel everything, hack into my super-mind that can memorize everything you just said, and re-ring every single thing. While being very angry.

#5: Asking for your shake in a bag.
"Wait, what? That actually happens?" Yes, yes it does. And don't bother trying to come up with a good reason as to why anyone would desire their shake in a bag, because I have tried and there is no logical answer. They always fall back on the same thing... "It's easier to carry." But, um... I don't really think that's true. I'm fairly certain you can wrap your hand around a cup just as easily as you can carry a bag. Both options take one hand and no brains. But one is normal, and one creates an irritating and difficult situation and then probably causes you to spill something. I'll let you figure out which is which.

#6: Having a car full of annoying friends.
If I can't get mad at you for having 48094238902347 friends piled into your car screaming and laughing and yelling "LOL OHMYGAWD," then you can't get mad at me for setting your house on fire in the middle of the night... slash, not understanding your order at all.

#7: Coming in at 9:59pm:
Or anytime after 9:45ish.

#8: Changing your drink mid-order:
When you start saying things like, "I want a number one with a doctor pepper," here's what happens: I hit a couple buttons and then make a doctor pepper. Then I pat myself on the back for being nice and efficient. But OH WAIT, efficiency means nothing when you have a fickle guest. "Actually, can I have a sweet tea instead of a doctor pepper?" I'll say "Absolutely" but in my head I'm strangling you, because now what am I supposed to do with this mother trucking doctor pepper?

#9: Being slow.
I know you have 12 kids and that's really cool, but it's a lot cooler when you don't sit at the window after I give you your massive order and hand out each meal individually to your entire family before driving away. I also love it when you don't take five years counting out seven dollars in change whilst at the window. It's called planning ahead, people.

#10: Thinking that my arms are 15 feet long.
If I had to estimate, I'd say they are around three feet long, probably less. So when you park a mile away from the window and expect me to hand you your food, you'll understand when I crunch it all up and throw it like a football instead.

#11: Cell phones.
It's fine if you want to talk on your cell phone instead of listening to me repeating your order. It's especially fine when I charge you for the wrong thing because you weren't listening. It's even more fine when you get pissed at me because you weren't listening.

#12: Forgetting where you are.
If you ask me for "McNuggets" or "Arby's Sauce," I will assume you are mentally handicapped and/or tell you to go get your seeing eye dog before coming back. Probably not. But I'll dream about it every night until people start being more aware of their surroundings.

#13: "Can I add five shakes to that?"

#14: Polynesian sauce.
It's pronounced like pol-ee-nee-shen. Not polyester sauce, asian sauce, polynaise sauce, pedestrian sauce, and most certainly not pomeranian sauce.

End scene.


  1. Just got done eating a nice cfa sandwich..pretty effing hilarious post

  2. CFA isn't the only joint that has these problems.
    People, don't go to Steak n Shake and ask if they serve milkshakes. Don't order a Whopper at McDonald's. Don't go to Subway and order "The $5 footlong." There's several $5 footlongs, and we need you to clarify which one you want.

    1. Haha my favorite is when people ask what the difference between a footlong and a 6-inch sandwich is

    2. I think this post is bogus! Put out there to make people think bad of Chik-fil-a! I know for a fact that thy will remove tomatoes- and do it with a smile! What the "employee" personally thinks doesn't matter to the customer or the customer service. Because a good employee would understand that customers come first. And any employee would never put stuff like this- unless they were fired and angry. The truth is- if you work in fast food anywhere- ther are people who don't know everything you serve- it is your job to tell them!! If you don't like it or can't deal with it- get out of that business!!!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. ^Cindy^

      I work at Chick-fil-A, and I can testify to the fact that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE IS 100% ACCURATE. The next time someone asks me to give them a shake in a bag, I will ram the freaking shake down their throat, and then stuff the bag down after it. It's freaking annoying, and it happens all the time. We have drink carriers for a reason, people.

    5. L-o-l at Cindy, obviously someone who has never worked in the food industry and is probably one of those annoying people that does every single thing on the list.

    6. To Cindy: I work at Chickfila as well and yes, I will give you what you ask for with a smile but that's because it's my job and I have to. I don't want to. When I get one of those absurd requests, which by the way are all true, I ask myself how a person could be so stupid. It's like the customers want to make my life hard and forget that I am a human being just like them. I'm not some robot that has no personality. I don't enjoy when people want something specially made that's already pre-made when they could just as easily pick it out. Those people hold up the line and we end up getting in trouble with the manager. We have a time quota to make, believe it or not. We have to get customers in and out and keep our time low otherwise the manager will not be happy. So you making it hard is not just annoying us but getting us in trouble. Think about that.

    7. Also to Cindy: I believe the rest has already been said by these other cool cats, other than you are wrong about how an employee would "never" say this unless he or she had been fired. On the contrary, I continued to work for CFA for another year after this blog was posted, and was never fired. I quit because I moved across the country. This also was not put out here to make CFA look bad -- It was put out because I felt like going on a sarcastic rant about the things that my coworkers and I thought and laughed about on a daily basis.

    8. I did however order a steak at Steak and Shake once and were told they did not serve steaks.

    9. Cindy: I also work at Chick-Fil-A and I agree with everyone of these things. It doesn't mean I don't love or respect my guests, and it's not set out to make anyone feel underappreciated, it's a joke. And while the situations happen, THEY HAPPEN A LOT, most other times guests are completely awesome. They laugh with you, smile with you, and when you get someone wrong, they're okay with it as long as you're genuinely sorry. I hope no one thinks bad about CFA from this post, I don't. I also feel like these issues span across every restaurant chain. So, NBD, it rocks, CFA rocks, and our guests rock for making me giggle as you drive away with your ten milkshakes and 12 CFA sandwiches with either -pickles or +pickles.

      BTW- My favorite is when I'm working window and I hand out a drink and say, "This is Dr. Pepper" and two seconds later they look at me and say, "Which one is this?" Makes me giggle every time :)

  3. 3 foot long arms? What are you, a chimp?

    1. The average person's wingspan (from sternum to fingertip on either arm) is approximately 1/2 of his or her height. I am 5"5', so my wingspan should be roughly 2.75 feet. Thus, the statement, "around three feet long, probably less," is completely accurate.
      Although, I do wish I was a chimp.

    2. Wing span is from fingertip to fingertip. Not accounting for the length between your shoulders, take 2.75ft and divide it by 2 arms and you get 1.375ft.

      So 3ft is not accurate.

      Also, chimps are cool.

    3. your "wingspan"is finger to finger, yes but its also supposed to be about as long as a person is tall...therefore shes right that one of her arms is around 3 many average sized adults do you know with arms less than a foot and a half long? my guess is none... also...i agree that chimps are cool

    4. Please look at your own arms and ask yourself this question, does my arm look like it's more or less than 2 feet in length? Grab a ruler and measure it, get your 24+ inch measurement, and then take the ruler and measure out 1.375 ft or approximately 16 inches. Besides a child, a really short person, or a t-rex, it looks pretty silly right?

      I, too, agree that chimps are cool (:(|) <---Monkey

    5. You're right about the definition of wingspan, I definitely worded that wrong. Still, though, from tip to tip should be a person's height, so I believe my math is still correct.

      Either way, I would much rather be a chimp. Chimp's are way better than humans.

    6. except for the flinging of poo thing...check that...thats pretty funny too...

    7. Arguing with someone who works at a fast food place for a living. Congrats. You're all idiots. For the record. You are employed there to cater to my needs. If you don't like the way I, or anyone else orders.... because we don't know what you can or can't do in your system. Find a real job. If you're out of high school and working in fast food.... you deserve to deal with douche customers. I'm just saying....

    8. itoldyouso, no one deserves to be treated poorly. Getting paid minimum wage to have to wait on people is hard enough without douchbags like you making their life harder. Some of these are petty annoyances but some are just rude, like talking on your cell phone while ordering. And look! now you know what their system can and cannot do! Now you can never do any of these things ever again! yay learning.

    9. Just because someone works fast food after high school doesn't make them stupid or uneducated! I really enjoy working at Cfa and most of our customers are very nice but you my friend are not very nice for the comments you posted. I will cater to my customers to the best of my ability but something are just ridiculous!

    10. I love how people will try to pick apart every single thing that they possibly can.

    11. to itoldyouso, just because someone may be out of high school working in a fast food place does not mean they are idiots and deserve to be treated any less human than you. I would think you should appreciate someone who is humble enough to work for a fast food place instead of sitting on their back side getting government assistance. I am not trying to trash those who truly need assistance. I am just trying to make a point that although fast food jobs are not ideal for many people, it is a job that helps people earn money.

  4. some people are actually really allergic to tomatos to the point they cant even touch one so if they ask for no tomatoes there us a reason for that. some restaurants use the same knife to cut onions as tomatoes this to can cause a severe reaction and possible death in extreme allergies.

    1. I actually was not referring to tomatoes that are cut whatsoever, I was talking about two little whole cherry tomatoes on the edge of a salad. I also was not talking about people who were deathly allergic (if you were paying attention, I did say at the end of that one that that point only applied UNLESS someone had a life-threatening allergy), but rather people who were just very, very lazy.

    2. Hence the rant about people not paying attention! Good job Rex, I'm sure you'll come through our Drive Thru sometime today. In advance I would like to say Thanks a freakin lot!! lol

  5. Someone might need to find a new "career".

    1. If you notice the date of this post, it should be pretty clear that I no longer work for Chick-fil-A....

    2. Gee I wonder why... you pretty much trashed everything about people who ORDER FOOD. Gosh some people make mistakes, some people make mistakes, or what some changes it's your... scratch that WAS your job to provide the best service possible.

    3. Amen Tyler! I am a cfa employee and if this was my perspective I would have a rough day at work everyday. I admit sometimes the guests are hard, I get annoyed and I dispute that with my co-workers. But the majority of this list are just peoples mistakes. I love knowing that at cfa I work at a higher standard. Sometimes after a difficult guest it helps me to just remember our slogan "Be Remarkable".

    4. Thanks Ross! Lots of typo's in there, let's retype that Gee I wonder why... you pretty much trashed everything about people who ORDER FOOD. Gosh some people make mistakes, , or want some changes and it's your... scratch that, WAS your job to provide the best service possible.

    5. You probably shouldn't consider this rant as complaining. Where did the author state "I hated this job because of...." or anything of that sort? I used to work at a Dollar Tree before I finished school and became a nurse, so I have come across a plethora of "unique" individuals along the way. I could rant about them all day and night and give you a huge list of the craziness I encountered, but that doesn't mean I was miserable every single day I was there. It, also, doesn't mean that I provided absolutely horrible customer service. If anything, people would actually come to me because I would always try to eliminate the stigma dollar tree stores have that employees are rude or hate their job.

      Having worked in a job that deals with all sorts of people, I completely understand the perspective of the author as a lot of people can be completely unreasonable. They think "it's their job to accommodate to my every need, and if they get it wrong, it's their fault" or at least sometimes it seems that way :O

    6. Yeah I think Ross and Tyler both just enjoy their own stupidity. Oh and apparently Tyler likes being an ass too.

    7. Lol some of you sound like you have a shallow sense of humor and take everything said personally.

    8. if you see this as complaining, you are probably the ones doing this exact thing to people in fast food.

  6. Good point. I used to work at Chick-Fil-A and this list is pretty spot on.

  7. I also love when customers order multiple meals, then get to the window and add things after I just kicked butt at bagging everything so well that I could have won a game of tetris.

    That or having 8 meals where (upon them being handed to you) you decide you need them all bagged separately. Here are 8 extra bags, have fun, and next time ask when you're ordering!

  8. Wow. This is pretty sad. I'm guessing the reason you don't work there anymore. If I was in management/corporate and I saw this, I would definitely relieve you of your misery. Unfortunately, CFA is held to a higher standard. Employees blasting customers like this should be unacceptable. No, it's not always fun working in fast food (been there, done that) but you have to remember the number one rule - the customer is always right! No matter how ridiculous the request or the pronunciation of sauce. It's called the service industry for a reason.

    1. 1. Industry standards are changing and the customer is NOT always right anymore. Thank all the people that took advantage of that phrase.
      2. You are probably one of those people and that's why you are so offended.

    2. I do not work for Chic-Fil-A, But I do work fast food. You're right when you say that you can get in trouble for making posts like this online. However, "The Customer is always right" is DEAD WRONG, because the customer can take advantage of an employee. It happened to someone I know, fyi.

    3. The customer is not always right usually the customer is a complete dumbass.

    4. I work in retail and I can tell you the customer is NOT always right. They like to use that phrase to take extreme advantage over associates though. If I wrote my own list it'd have more than 14 complaints on it. :)

    5. I made an account just to tell you "the costumer is always right" is disgusting bullshit. They are not always right, and they use that bullshit to try and get you to do everything and anything for them. It is a lie, so please stop spreading that lie.

    6. the customer is always right is true. but it does not mean what every dumb ass, needy, greedy, and rude customer thinks it means. that statement is meant customer as a whole. like not one particular customer, but customers as a whole. like if the people want birthday cake milk shakes our company should find a way to make that happen (or at least try). as a current employee of the food industry (who also works graveyard) 75% of customers have no idea what they are talking about. 50% are self entitled ass holes and 80% could make my job easier ( and make everything faster and more pleasant) if they would use there own brains before asking or doing something.

    7. If the customer pulled out the "the customer is ALWAYS right" line on me when I was a manager (AND when I could tell that they were trying to pull something stupid or quick) I would remind them that the customer also has a responsibility to be respectful to the associate they are working with AND to the people behind them in line." People always complain that the drive thru is slow-want to know why? Look above. The drive through was designed as a way for people who knew what they wanted and didn't want the wait like they have inside or because they want to get it quickly to go. Yes, part of the issue is that there are a handful teenagers handling the food prep in most cases It may be the 'service industry' but it is also the FAST FOOD industry...kind of hard to have fast food when you have people who pull this kind of crap. It takes only 1 legitimate goofball pulling one of the above mentioned things for no other reason than to be self serving to cause a snowball effect that can test the nerves of the toughest service driven worker.

    8. This is a satirically comical list of things that annoy fast food workers. Of course people make mistakes. I think this post is just enlightening. A lot of people don't know that an efficient drive through clerk has you drink made almost as soon as you order it, or that most places premake salads. This blog will never stop someone from making a mistake, but atleast they are a little more educated of the process.

    9. I, being a CFA employee, find every one of her points to be exactly what we deal with EVERYDAY.
      Here's the thing about CFA, yes the customer is ALMOST always right. We keep it like that. They, being upper management, completely understand that they didn't hire complete idiots to work there. So are you saying that because I find all of this humorous and true that I should be fired for thinking the same way as Bri?

      How about you try and work somewhere like CFA that, with enough business, can make between 4 and 8 grand within the span of 3 to 7 hours?

  9. omg leave it to one person to go to the complete opposite end of this and say they would fire wife currently work at Chick Fil A, and thought this was hilarious! Her bosses would also love it. So take your self righteous act somewhere else!!!

  10. Dont get upset when you ask if they want a drink and they say "yes". Most fast food places have fountain machines where you pour your own drink yourself. Chik Fil A are fountain drink Nazi's. Sure it saves the company money, but it can be irritating to customers for various reasons

    1. If you are going through the drive thru though you can't necessarily get your own drink

    2. As stated above, no drive thru has fountain machines for the customer to pour their own drink. And co side ring most profits come from fries and a drink (in any fast food chain) dickbags coming in and ordering water and getting soda ruined the make your own drink deal.

    3. The question was "WHAT would you like to,drink?" Not would you like a drink...huge difference

    4. To Piggyback: Aside from this being mostly a Drive-Thru rant and that you couldn't get your own drink while in the car, here's a little history: When Chick-fil-A was beginning to open its own food chains in malls and such, Truett Cathy (founder) tried the whole "Get your own drink" idea. The customers didn't like it. Fast food was still a new thing and customers weren't used to the self-service most chains have now. Seems to me the PEOPLE have changed; and what was a popular thing in the 50's is now one of the many "vintage feels" people enjoy from the restaurant. :)

    5. Another reason is that it's one more opportunity for the customer to come up to the counter and get a smile and a "my pleasure." Not that it happens that way every time, but that's the thinking behind it.

  11. We could add one to that list. At our Chick-Fil-A, we had someone come through the drive thru and get their order, then drive all the way back through the drive-thru just to ask for a refill on the drink they just bought.

  12. Or when people would say thank you to everything just to hear the "my pleasure" response every time.

  13. I used to work at CFA and I loved every minute of it and this is all true! I also hate it when people come to my job and order a "Frappe". We are NOT at McDonalds, get your terminology straight! (And no I do not work at Starbucks)

    1. I love it when you tell someone that you can only take three orders in the drive thru so when they get to the window they try to add one or two more to it. NOT.

    2. Kind of ironic now that some of our stores are test marketing the new Smoothies and Frappés, which is pronounced- Frap-ayys.

  14. Going into work now. This may have just made my day better.

  15. The being greedy part is wrong, you do need quite a lot of sauces for a 12 count nugget meal, I use the CFA sauce on my fries and nuggets, and you nazi employees give me ONE CFA sauce for 12 nuggets, like that's gonna do anyone any good, No, just no, and I'm not buying CFA sauce when every time I go to Chi-Fil-A I ask for 5 sauces, and they just give it to me without question, have been for years. Try not to skimp on the sauce like nazi's, how about that? If I'm getting 12 nuggets, I'm OBVIOUSLY gonna need AT LEAST more than ONE sauce packet, if you gave me two I'd at least know you're TRYING, but you guys give me one most of the time, like wtf is that gonna do me?

    1. least at my store, we were instructed to hand out one sauce for an 8 count/3 strip and two sauces for a 12 count/4 strip, and then give the customer more if they ask for it, depending on what they ordered. But if you get to the point where you are asking for bags full of sauce then yes, we are going to have to tell you that we have sauce available for purchase. Even if you get a LARGE 12 count/4 strip meal, you should definitely not need more than 4 sauces if you are going to use it for the fries as well.

    2. Dylan, it's the same way at our store.
      Brandon, stop being a dick. Try ASKING politely for more sauces and quit complaining.

    3. Having worked at chick-fil-a I can tell you that the person who orders a 12 count nugget meal and then asks for 5 sauces is not the greedy customer. The customer who orders a 4 count nugget kids meal with FRUIT instead of fries and then asks for 5 sauces is greedy. Chick-fil-a has to be aware of how much sauce we are giving away because the stuff isn't free, we have to pay for it in food cost somewhere and unlike places like Mcdonalds we will not charge you for one extra packet of sauce, we wont charge you for 3 extra packets, however if you want 8 or more for one meal then I will have to charge you a dollar for our 8 ounce container.

    4. Brandon, I dip my fries and nuggets into my polynesian/CFA/Ranch sauce and practically smother them in the stuff, and I have it down to a SCIENCE! For a 12 nugget meal with a medium fry, you should only need 3 sauces, MAYBE 4; 1 1/2 for the medium fry and the other 1 1/2 for the nuggets. Now for the large meal you should need only 4, maybe 5 for the large strips meal, and that's it!

  16. You made the choice to work at a fast food restaurant. These are problems you will find at any fast food restaurant like CFA. Deal with it

    1. I am sure she isn't the only one to ever complain about her job. Everyone does it. That's how we "Deal with it."

    2. I was a crew leader at Wendys for 2 years, it's called Dealing with the customer. When you go off like this in a public forum you simply make yourself look like an Elitist smuck. People show up as long as the Sign is turned on, and I'm pretty damn sure the manager wants you to be open every MINUTE your sign says you're open. Yes, there are people who show up at close and don't seem to get the hint when the entire crew is sitting on the counter watching them socialize an hour later that they are waiting on the people to leave so they can clean the dining room and go home... But those customers where fairly rare (usually large after church groups after church on weeknights)

      As for sauce, I agree with most the people above - their packets are not well shaped for dipping and if you're dipping Fries as well chances are you need 2 to 4 packets per "meal"

      As for the rants on answering questions and phrasing orders, I could go on a massive tirade on how many "uneducated and obnoxious" people who interrupted me when I say I want a Number XYZ meal with ... and I have to repeat my drink selection 2 or 3 times because they are asking me questions when I am trying to GIVE them the answers. If I start with "I would like a Number 4 with carrots and raisins and" don't interrupt and ask me about my side and my drink, I just TOLD you it was a meal and I'm ABOUT to tell you my drink.
      and the number of times I say "meal" or "Combo" and I get "Do you want just the sandwich?" No, I wanted the freaking MEAL, that's why I used the word M E A L.

      but most importantly, let's talking about packing - because if you're carrying 4 bags of food, it IS easier to carry a fifth bag than it is 4 bags and a drink... because customers always have a few invisible servants helping them take this stuff into the office... just like the people who give me a blank stare because I want a tray to carry 2 drinks... I have 2 hands, and I have to get back into an office which will require 2 badge swipe doors and a keyed office door... that's never easy if I don't find a way to keep a few fingers free on one hand for using my badge and key.

      Forgetting where you are? again that's called DEALING with the customer. I've have people order CHicken McNuggets and Whoppers in the same sentence and that was AT wendy's ... again, most people want the generic but they get something in their head - best way to deal with it is HUMOR "I'm sorry sir, I don't think you can get those specific items in the same drivethrough, I can hook you up with a (Similar burger) and some chicken nuggets (which didn't exist at wendy's when I was working there)

      You will get these issues, as for custom orders and pickiness... DEAL WITH IT.
      Not everyone likes tomatoes, some people have STRICT diet restrictions that curtail Salt etc... others may have had a Salad, side whatever which was sitting on a shelf WAY too long and they learned that making a little change gave them a FRESH one. I used to order fries NO SALT for an ex because she was EXTREMELY PICKY about her fries and couldn't stand ones that had been out for long... it was the easiest way to get fresh fries without having to come out and say "look, my significant other is super picky, could you do me a favor and ..."

      Business are in business to make money... you make money by providing what the customer wants. You start to view your customers as disposable and you won't be in business long. I quit going to Chic-Fil-A long before the political BS simply because the Cost was not worth dealing with the crowd and quality of food. When I want good chicken I go to PDQ or Zaxby's. I'm perfectly happy with that. This article reinforces the building view that chic-fil-a is somehow elitist and not for the average person, which in turn limits your market.

      If you're not willing to deal with the customer, someone else is.

  17. I recommend listening to "This is water" by David Foster Wallace.

  18. I love #9, because clearly moms of 12 children are superb at planning ahead.........

  19. I worked at Chick-fil-A for four years from 2009-2013, and this is most definitely spot on and hilariously accurate. You actually got all of the Polynesian sauce variants listed except for my favorite one - Paraplegic Sauce. Not even kidding. If I were to add another point to this post, we used to have customers that would come at the end of the night, while we still had a line in the drive thru and had already put out the cones to block it, and they would just move the cones somewhere to be able to get into line even though they obviously didn't make it before closing time. Then they would act all stupid when asked what happened to the cones that were here, "Uhh, what cones? LOLOLOLOLOL". I'm fine with treating people very polite like we are trained to do, but it's pretty difficult when there are so many ignorant customers like that.

  20. what else do you expect from people who eat at chic fil hate?

    1. 1 Mans views make it chick fil hate... quite ignorant

    2. Actually when you get people who seem to be PROUD to support that one man's views and make it a political statement, that just makes you less inclined to support the organization as a whole.

    3. do not agree with your above post but i can understand this one... good point

  21. At the CFA I worked at years ago, we would have to go outside and take orders during the lunch rush. I don't know how many times I almost was hit by someone on the phone or turned around talking to kids. Hello this is a parking lot pay attention. Or the people that wouldn't roll their window down to talk to me so I would have to walk beside their car until we got to the box! Yes I am standing here beside you for no freaking reason.

  22. I worked at Chick Fil A, and I still eat there. This post is in bad taste. You shouldn't try to speak for all drive thru employees or really any of them besides yourself. People eat at Chick Fil A because they set a standard of friendliness and care for there customers. This is the kind of thing that discourages people and makes them not want to go to a restaurant, not correct their drive thru habits. They are the customer, the only reason you have a job. Plus from the consumer perspective and I'm sure the managers/owner/operator perspective, if you hate doing YOUR JOB so much, go work at Mcdonalds.

    1. I'm pretty sure its been a while since she worked there. Also, why would anyone enjoy fast food work? Definitely don't go to McDonalds, I was at that hellhole for a year and it's terrible.

    2. As the title says "confessions of a chickfila employee". As well as "to keep team members from hating you". I worked there, most of these are spot on. She never said every team member ever agrees (but if you don't, I doubt you ever worked there).

    3. I worked there for 2 years and absolutely disagree!
      These are all things I've seen and honestly none of them bother me, sure I giggled like a little girl sometimes at people's requests, but get upset? Never.
      Sure, they could be annoying and obviously this person never should have been in the food-service industry much less hired by CFA.

    4. im just going to stop you there. i LOVE being a server.there are a LOT of really cool fun aspects of it. but at the same time if you really ever did work in food service you will find little pet peeves that annoy you. and not to mention you will find those customers that literally belittle you so much and treat you like actual dirt for minor mistakes and or minor short comings that you will get upset. and to be blatant a LOT of people that work around me and im sure Bri as well are not nearly as patient. these are some things that customers do that will make it at least more likely to get shitty service. so im pretty sure bri is trying to help the customer out here. get off your high horse.

    5. Thank you Davon Branch. My husband and I love Chick- Fil -A. I try my best to be a thoughtful guest. I am polite to servers and clean my table as best I can before I leave, to save an employee some work. Some of the things you mention may have reasons you are not thinking of.For example, some of your customers are hard of hearing, they answer the best they can based on what they heard.Many customers have been told through advertising of other restaurants that special orders are no problem. We don't mean to be troublesome.If we ask for something that is not possible, just say no, politely.Now when I go to CFA, I will wonder if the employee's are talking about me or making fun of me behind my back. I feel less inclined to go to CFA now than before I read this post because I'll always wonder if " it's my pleasure" is genuine.

  23. Fucking hilarious. Spot on for just about every fast food place too

  24. Its a good thing you don't currently work there bc this would def be in bad taste. I disagree with #2. It does not at all exemplify 2nd mile service that CFA teaches. Sure its inconvenient, but going that second mile will wow the customer and keep them coming back

    1. maybe, but some people are less patient then bri and will spit in their drink... so im pretty sure its just a tip...

  25. The only complaint I have is with #7. If you choose at 10, then you serve the public until 10. If people coming in at 9:45 is a problem then you need to close at 9:45. The closing time of the restaurant is not the time the employees clock out.

    1. That's "close" not "choose"

    2. This is more of a blame the operator/ managers. We get so pressured to get out on time/early when we have to start early in order to not get yelled at. Big groups of people should not come in at 9:59. I won't go to a store 5 minuted before close. It's just a curtious thing to do.

    3. Since this is supposed to be about the "drive-thru," the "don't come in at 9:45" is irrelevant to the topic.

      That being said, people should have the common courtesy to order and leave at/by 10p. Unfortunately, they like to hang around and prevent employees from accomplishing their closing tasks.

      Im pro "kicking people out" at 10:15 if they decide to linger.

    4. I was talking about the drive through. Even if I was the point of people coming to a business for service during normal hours, it still is a valid point. But, I'm not even talking about people coming in the lobby at closing. I'm talking about strolling through at 9:45 to the drive through. I don't care about when the lobby closes. If I show up at the drive through (or lobby) when it's open, I would expect to get service. If management is to blame for the employees being rushed out asap, then that's between management and the employee. It's not the customer's problem.

    5. true but its just not all about you. be curtious and if you drive by cfa and its 9:50 just go somewhere open later... and not to mention idk what you do but i assume 15 mins before you clock out get off or plan to stop working i can be almost certain you are not working at full speed. so why should the dive through person have to. be cutious, its the right thing to do. oh and taco bell is open till like 4 am soooo... yeah

    6. I've worked at chick-fil-a for multiple years now and we have never turned anyone way if the came in a minute before closing. We understand that they customers are the source of our paycheck and we will do ANYTHING in our power to ensure they have a satisfactory experience and want to come back. Also my boss would be livid if we closed right at 10, we actually have a 5 minute grace period for customers who might come in a bit late. It is true that later customers might mean that the employees leave a few minutes later but we are also still making money if we serve the late night customers.

  26. How dare someone come to the restaurant near 10pm..... when it's open.

  27. How about #1 when I say "that's it" THAT'S IT!
    And no I don't "want anything else with that"

    Or #2 I'll have my payment ready...
    When you tell me it at the speaker box!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I used to work at a cfa as well, and the drive through was MY zone. My most hated experiences were people who ordered too much food and caused a ten-minute, unnecessary jam, and people whose windows didn't work so they had to pass the money to someone in the back seat (usually dropping half of it in the process), or the would PARK AND GET OUT. If you're going to park you may as well walk inside. I also once had a guy get angry at me for asking him to turn his truck of so I could hear him over the obnoxious noise.

  30. This post is completely inappropriate. If I were your manager at CFA and saw this post, I would fire you immediately. Completely opposite of the spirit of service that Chick-fil-A embodies. If I had an employee that ranted about a previous job like this, either online or in person, I would fire them too. Very bad attitude.

    1. People should not be dicks so we wouldn't have to rant. Also, good to know you've never worked a customer service job today, go be a dick somewhere else.

    2. I have worked in the restaurant business for 20 yrs and have made a great career out of it. It is tough work and customers can be frustrating, but don't expect a company to retain you or hire you if you rant in public like this. This is no different than standing in a crowded public park and ranting. You look like a fool.

    3. doesn't look foolish to me. and where i work everyone behind the line talks about the customers. you know why? because 75% suck and are really inconsiderate.

  31. This article is crap and in poor taste. I can see why you don't work there anymore. Sure, current or former employees may see the childish and bitchy humor in it, but the customers do not. Can you really be angry at a person not knowing the different between a meal and an entree? Some people just don't know, and its not that big of a deal. You don't like that people mispronounce polynesian sauce? Some people are dyslexic, or didn't receive the best education. I know a man who is deathly allergic to tomatoes. It doesn't matter that they are placed whole into the salad. Why the hell would a person take that kind of risk with their life? Just make the person a new salad, for christs sake. It's like it's physically exhausting to throw some lettuce in a plastic bowl. Its just slightly more time consuming, but why are you complaining? It is your JOB after all.

    1. Wow, not sure if you've ever worked in fast food, but at Chick-fil-A especially, salads are not just lettuce in a bowl. It's two different types of lettuce, with five or six separately stored ingredients, for allergy concerns. The author is in no way saying she doesn't care about allergies, if you had actually read it word for word. I used to work at Chick-fil-A, and I can agree with a lot of the irritations that she expressed. Most of the time when something becomes irritating, it's not because someone who has a disability mispronounces or misorders something, it's because it's that guy that comes in 3 times a week and still doesn't know the name of the sandwich he wants.

    2. not to mention EVERYONE complains about their jobs... i bet you have as well

  32. I just read all this and I dont work in any Fast food joint my cousin does, But I got to say that Bri's coments were Great and Bri definitely schooled all of you in anything you comented towards him/her. Good Shit

  33. I find this offensive to customers. There will always be a first time customer who doesn't know the lingo of your store, who will forget the name of a sauce, who will have a hard time getting the orders from everyone in their car. Those people should be made to feel welcome by the grace of the employee. That is what CFA teaches. That is hospitality. You had to be trained in those things so that you could help the customer/guest. Because of those first time and returning customers you were able to be employed and paid.
    Your other blog about it being a cult is a matter of not recognizing good manners and service as a way of life, not just something you are "made to do."
    I believe also you are misusing copyrighted material here in the logo and cows.

    1. there is a very big difference between a first timer and an idiot and im pretty sure she is talking to the idiots. secoundly there is a big difference between haveing a hard time geting all the orders and 7 teens squished into a 5 seater and all 7 yelling THE WHOLE TIME.

  34. Sounds like these employees are just lazy and rude , it's your job to satisfy the customer so what if you have to throw together a salad for someone , it will not kill you I promise

    1. it will also not kill the customer to use there head an be considerate but it seems like most of them act as though it will

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. jeff what did you say? why is it gone? Jeff?

    2. If you copy this link, it should take you to the comment you are looking for... I wonder if he deleted it because he realized that he had attempted to insult my education level while typing like a 2nd grader?

  36. You are yet another reason to hate CFA, you lasy asshat. If you're open until 10, you take orders until 10. Remake the salad if the customer asked you to. "Because I'm lazy" is not a reason to hate a customer for a perfectly reasonable request.

  37. "If you ask me for "McNuggets" or "Arby's Sauce," I will assume you are mentally handicapped and tell you to go get your seeing eye dog before coming back."

    IT ISN'T. BURN. dummy

  38. this guy is just being a real silly head. don't listen to him rbi, keep doing your thing girl

  39. I wonder if all tbe people that bashed the post were fat just saying???

    1. I'm not sure who tbe people are, but they sound fat for sure. Good call justin

  40. Once when taking an order, the guest had asked for "Diabetes sauce."

    Instantly grabbed two handfuls of Chick-Fil-A sauce and handed it to her.

  41. If you are easily offended, then please keep scrolling...
    I have worked in customer service and I am very shocked that with the bad publicity that CFA has gotten in the past year, that someone would actually write this, but here it is. Therefore, I took it upon myself to right "CONFESSIONS OF A CHICK-FIL-A CUSTOMER"
    1. Unless there is a limit posted, then give me how many I specify because there is no limit unless it is publicly posted. That's your job, it is called customer service.
    2. I could go home and make a salad, but I am choosing to PAY you to make one for me. Therefore, you should make it the way I want it.
    3. Sometimes your speaker is malfunctioning and you need to repeat yourself.
    4. As far as uneducated and obnoxious goes, you should realize that the average American comprehension level is at 3rd grade. If you can not have patience, than I suggest you get out of customer service.
    5. Once again, if I am paying you for my food and you have a drive-thru for my convenience and I ask you to put in a bag, it needs to go IN A BAG. It's your job, deal with it.
    6. Unless there is a sign posted that says "NO MORE THAN 2 ORDERS IN THE DT," I can give you as many orders as I want. Take that up with your management team.
    7. Agreed. Point taken.
    8. Give me whatever drink I want. It takes less than a minute to make it.
    9. I am going to check my order before I leave the window so I don't have to come back. The Drive-Thru is there for the convenience of the others.
    10. Agreed.
    11. Agreed.
    12. Agreed.
    13. If I order that, than that is what I want. Give it to me.
    14. Once again, America functions on a 3rd grade level, so as long as you know what I mean, then the rest is simply supply and demand. Thank you for making fun of customers that have speech impediments or reading difficulty.

    1. 1. WRONG. There shouldn't have to be a limit posted, because people should know to be frugal. We have the RIGHT to refuse you if you want more sauces. We only allow people more than the set amount of sauces our owner tells us to give because we understand that you want to dip your fries in them as well. But you shouldn't need 10 sauces/ketchup/mayonnaise. Beyond 5 sauces, you are stealing from us and taking out of our food costs. Telling me that you or your son uses ALL TEN Ketchups sounds almost like a fantasy to me. I realize boys eat a lot, I'm a guy myself and love to eat, but even I can't go through TWO ketchups let alone TEN for a medium fry! That's like 1 ketchup packet for every three waffle fries. IMPOSSIBLE!

      2. There is a prep person that makes them in advance and not everyone is trained on how to make them. If our prep person isn't there and we don't have enough people working the line to make the salad anew, then we won't be able to do it unless you really do have an allergy. Now if you're the only person in line then there's no problem with doing that., because NOW we can properly serve you.

      3. Ahhhh, the classic malfunctioning speaker. I assure you, I have experienced malfunctioning speakers at KFC and even they aren't as bad as you think they are. Some people need to learn how to speak up and speak clearly. I can't understand every word you say. Working in a mall store now, I have first hand experience with speaking directly to people and they still say YES when I clearly ask them, would you like any ketchup, mayonnaise or dipping sauces.

      4. Give me a break, I've served Mexicans/ Chinese/ Russians who speak poor English and still have a decent enough comprehension to read the menu board PICTURES and understand what a meal is the first time I explain it to them and remember most of it the next time they come through. People are just too LAZY to read the clear words at the top, MEAL comes with a medium side and drink.

      5. NO. I will NOT put your milkshake/drink in a bag for you to yell at me because it got all over the place. We have drink carriers for a reason. In fact, I'm seriously tempted to not let you have your drink if you ask for it to be in a bag. Food in a bag should be a given.

      6. I would hope that you'd be respectful enough to know what you are going to order before you order it. If you have separate orders for a group, come IN and request the orders to be separate instead of you holding up the Drive-Thru line, putting them in the red, getting us in trouble with bosses and corporate, etc. Just don't blame me when the people in the cars behind you come up and punch your lights out because we had to take the time to get all your orders.

    2. 7. Agreed, though I never have a problem with individuals coming in for a quick bite and leave, but LARGE Groups? I HEAR NOTHING! I SEE NOTHING!

      8. Again, food and waste costs. It adds up. I sure don't want to hear my boss ask why I have so many pre-made drinks getting warm and about to be thrown out You want to put us out of business?

      9. Check your order, yes. Hand every item out to every individual right there? Errr.....never liked that. Usually people would pull up, check their order and come in if something was missing instead of holding up the D.T. line.

      10-12: Glad we can have common ground here

      13: Shakes are very time consuming to make. From my experience, often times there's only one person working the D.T. line from 2-5 and not enough people working to help out or are doing their tasks to get ready for dinner. And again, there's likely a few cars trying to get their order. I can't make every single one of them wait for five minutes so I can get your handspun milkshake. We request that you call ahead so we can have them ready for you by the time you get there or come in.

      14. I've actually always found this one to be quite humorous. I've even had polypenesian. It's just a matter of them forgetting the name of the sauce. The oddity is that obviously smart people don't know what Chick-Fil-A Sauce is called. "I want 'that one' sauce. Or 'original' sauce. Polynesian is actually our most original sauce out there.

  42. This is quite possibly the worst article I've ever read.

  43. The author of this blog is a spoiled selfish brat. Probably a theater major who calls home to Mumsie and Daddy twice a week asking for money, making nonsensical excuses why she "can't" get a job after being fired from Chick - Fil-A. "My big break is right around the corner but all my professors are stupider than me."

    1. Hahaha, oh man, it's so funny how incredibly wrong you are on all of those points! Really, there are plenty of things wrong with me, and you managed not to guess any of them... Disappointing. I do, however, appreciate the laugh.

  44. If I want 5 fucking milkshakes im going to fucking get 5 damn milkshakes.

  45. You have this whole post about stuff not to do at cfa... I will almost guarantee that you have done something at anther place of business that has made that worker feel the same way you do. The problem is you only care about your job being harder not you making anyone else's easier.. The problem of also anyone who complains on blogs like this. Stop being so self centered.

  46. I was a team member and beyond for over 5 years at Chick-fil-A and am currently on my way back into the team member life...customers, aka people can be dumb, people can be hateful, people can be plain complicated...and team members can be the exact same way. To be an employee you were once a customer more than one side of the fence can be just as problematic as the other. Its all about perspective and sometimes you just need a good laugh at the "pelapaneshion" sauce requests. These are all pretty much spot on however, but that's what makes us different from the rest, we can deal and put on that My Pleasure Smile

  47. I like to ask for a quarter pounder with cheese. Then the server looks at me as if I am crazy. And I say.... my bad. I will take a chicken sandwich. :)

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I went through the drive thru and got my order, as I was pulling away the girl working at CFA yelled for me to stop. She jumped out of the window and brought me the fruit cup. I love it there and the service has always been great. The person who wrote this article was only expressing the the things that irritated him about his job. I thought most people have things they don't like about their job. He apparently kept a smile on his face and was pleasant and that's all that really matters to me as a customer. People can think what they want so long as they don't do their job and provide quality customer service that CFA customers have come to expect.

  50. Good grief people. Haven't you ever ranted about something? Good night some of you act as if you are perfect and things never drive you up a wall. I also work at Chick-fil-a, and I love every second of it. But there are some people who are so inconsiderate and treat you like you aren't a person too. There was one time when some one flipped me off for no reason. Look, some people suck, and that's that. The person who wrote this article was right in many instances. For me, I can't stand it when people ignore me in drive thru and talk on their phones while I am trying my best to make it quick and accurate (like a drive thru is supposed to be). Wouldn't you be even slightly annoyed too? And then some (not all) people act as if the whole world is revolved around them, even though you have a line out to the street. So please, people. Show a little grace to this person, if you think he/she's the only person who has these feelings about annoying people, then you are sorely wrong.
    And it's not just Chick-fil-a employees either. My friend who works at Sonic has many rants as well, and I am sure people at McDonalds have feelings about this issue as well.
    So please. I bet that this person is pretty cool and does not deserve all of this negative criticism. Just like Republicans, Democrats, Christians, Mormons, gays, lesbians, and many others greatly express their opinions, so can the lowly Chick-fil-a employee. Yes, as shocking as it is, we have opinions too.

  51. As a former Chick-fil-A employee, I think this post is rude and against the values of the company. I saw a similar post where employees of Chipotle ranted about all the things they can't stand about customers and thought, "I'm glad I worked somewhere where employees were bigger than belittling guests." Apparently, that was not 100% accurate. In Chick-fil-A's orientation we focus on what one of the most important value of Chick-fil-A is, and one is the guest. To create a post that belittles the guest is not only rude but hypocritical.When I was hired, the Operator of my store talked to me about what he looks for in an employee, and one thing is a person who holds the values of Chick-fil-A. He said, that there might be a point that I feel I can't hold these values, and that is when it takes a bigger person to step down. Service is the number one priority at Chick-fil-A, and servanthood sometimes means biting your lip and being grateful there are customers so you have a job in the first place. As an employee, you should know the ins and outs of ordering etc, because that is in the nature of your job, but it is not required that the guest knows everything.

    I am ashamed that an employee thought it was wise to post something like this, and even though some of these thoughts might have passed through my head at one time or another, a couple of the other values of Chick-fil-A is integrity and "the Golden Rule." This post violates both of those.

    So if you're a Chick-fil-A employee and feel tempted to post this and laugh about it, consider what you signed on for. If it's just a paycheck, you might be better suited at McDonalds or Taco Bell where the job is, in fact, just a job.

    1. Im so glad someone said this

    2. See I am in agreement, but then again, we always hold our guests highest and always bite our lip, what she is saying is we do not act upon our thoughts, I believe I am allowed my own opinion upon myself just as you are, I love working for CFA, but there are somethings that may bug us, as do things that bug you, we all have our pet peeves and I think you need to get over this post and see it as a funny thing rather then to be take seriously, if you can get off your high horse for one second, you can see that you thought the same things as us when you worked here. But above all, we always, always, always make their service excellent and their experience enjoyable, because its what we love to do, help and serve others. So shut your yapper and realize that while things can annoy an employee, we will never take it out on them nor treat them differently because of it, we still treat them with the same respect and dignity they deserve as human beings. Also if you cannot respect another for his or her belief, you do not deserve to call yourself a former employee, we serve all walks of life no matter what they believe and respect them as humans with their own minds and opinions.

  52. #7: Coming in at 9:59pm:
    Or anytime after 9:45ish.

    Get over it, if you close at 10, I will come whenever I want before 10.

  53. Some of these comments, though... Girl, you are SPOT ON. I love my job at Chick-fil-A, but sometimes people can be just plain rude, even when you provide them with excellent service. The is absolutely no reason for it. I'm just working at CFA while I'm in college, so it is, in fact (and for most people), just a job that pays the rent and lets me buy cereal. That is all.

  54. I'm the guy ordering 5 sauces for my 12 nuggets and fries. But I don't save them to take home.

    Hilarious post.... funny how people get butt hurt so easily. I wish I had time to read all the comments. Thank God for chickfila!

  55. People who say that this is in "bad taste" or that is inappropriate need to chill and learn how to take a joke. All of these are things that we (CFA employees) have to deal with on a daily basis, and while yes, they may annoy us, we don't treat these customers any differently or let it affect us. We may get frustrated for a few seconds but then we move on to the next customer. In this article, the author does an excellent job of expressing our thoughts and opinions during those brief moments of frustration, its made to be relatable and light hearted, not harsh and cruel. And let's be honest, its not like any of you have never complained bout your job.

  56. Wow, I really wish I could reply back to every single one of you people. For those of you who read this blog for what it was meant to be (light-hearted, sarcastic, and not hateful): thank you! You guys get gold stars. Also, those of you who have worked at CFA, you might also feel like reading this old post about drive-thru bagging that I wrote on my real blog, which is even older than this one. Here it is, just in case.

    For the rest of you guys. Well... Haters gonna hate, I guess!

    1. I think this is hilarious!! I am currently a CFA employee and I it's all true....stuff like this gets annoying at times, but we do not treat our customers poorly in any way.

  57. Meanwhile in other parts of the world five year old girls are working in sweat shops for less than five cents a day wIth no air conditioning and they whine less than you

    1. Oh, I'm definitely going to use that one next time I hear someone state frustration about anything, thanks for the ammo!

    2. The fact that you think of that sad truth as ammo is just a really depressing narrative on the type of person you are

    3. Nah, the fact that you actually made that comparison in the first place just shows that you don't know how to interpret this text at all. My grandma used to get mad at me when I was four years old if I didn't finish a sandwich because, "There are starving children in Africa who would love to have that sandwich." While that may be true and highly unfortunate, either way, he doesn't have that sandwich, whether I finish it or not. In the same way, keeping my sarcastic opinions to myself aren't going to change that sweat shops exist.

  58. you just sound like a poor employee that doesn't want to work. People don't know cfa as well as you do just try to make their experience a good one and stop whining about you having to work. Also the side salad thing is stupid if i want tomatoes on it I will ask for tomatoes I know that you don't make that rule but I think that it is silly to assume people want the extra stuff.

    1. Actually what she is saying about the salads, is that they come with the tomatoes on them already, so if you order one with out said tomatoes, we have to make a whole new one because we are not allowed to take off the existing ones due to it being already packed and having to dirty our equipment that was just cleaned. It sounds petty yeah, but then again think about it this way, you work at CFA and a guest wants no tomatoes on the salad, but you work in the kitchen and you had just finished prepping 40+ salads and washed your knives and shredders and they are currently air drying (that is how you have to dry them after they are sanitized) and you have to make a whole new special one for that guest instead of picking off the tomatoes, because that is how you keep from cross contamination.

  59. As a fellow employee, this is totally true, and when they ask for a water cup at the very last second in the window, when you ask for sauce and they say no but then want it later and the dinning room attendants or shift leaders chew you out for not asking, also when they change from tea or soft drink to lemonade after you charge them and you know you can't charge for another drink so you have to fill it up with lemonade anyway (BTW lemonade is 10 cents extra when ordering a meal, please, please, please do not try and get one after paying, we get in trouble for that crap.)

  60. As a new employee there, I have to say we all have pet peeves and are all entitled to our own opinions which is why I will not attempt to change yours, but look at it like this, we are all annoyed by everything, you haters were offended and annoyed by this post and felt the need to express your opinions via internet where no one really knows who you truly are (which is why you are being so hurtful) so why can't we (employees of CFA who will do everything in our power to help, serve, and accommodate all guests) express our opinions on our work. We may get annoyed at these little things that so easily anger you, but we leave the genuine smile on, we truly mean it when saying "my pleasure", we do not let our personal opinions get in the way of the guest or our work. Please explain to me why I cannot have my own opinion on this, if you all can, why can't I?

  61. I feel you! I used to work at a CFA for 22 years before I was fired. Why? Well,I was doing drive-thru after closing(we were 24hrs) and a customer changed his drink order at the window. Where I worked,they were riding our hinders for doing that(even though we're supposed to accomdate the customers). Well,we were out of lemonadacoolrefreshingdrink on the drive thru side and forgetting we had it in our walkin,"Ok sir,I just gotta go to the main side and get that for ya!" Closed the window. Walked away from it and tossed my headphones on the supply counter as I left. Why did I do that? They had a rule stating that we couldn't wear em when going to the other side. ?????? Anyways,as I passed by the walkin door(far,far away from customer earshot)I yelled a little(not really screaming or anything mind you). When I came back,the guy was talking to my supervisor and the next when I came in after 30min he had me come to the office because I was fired due to the guy callin home office and claiming I yelled at him. I admit I was mistaken for yelling on way to the other side,even more mistaken thinking he couldn't hear me thru the window what seemed like a mile away. My supervisor was nice about it though(I had seen them bring in cops on the days they fired someone. ??????)and gavr me a few no. 1's to take home with me for myself and the rest of the family. Moral of this story? Don't assume someone can't hear you because you will get fired if a customer complains to home office,even if the complaint was a big fat lie,lol!

    1. I was bagging drive thru .. no where near the window.. did not interact with any customer... and someone had called in saying I threw their food at them and cussed them out. I am not perfect.. but I do not cuss in public. And the worst things I've ever said are extremely mild.... apparently I called her an F'ing C-word.. and I've never said that word in my life... I never even interacted with anyone being's I was solely the bagger.. I got sent home and suspended... and I did nothing. I don't even know who it was that called in.
      I have seen a GM fire a shift manager over telling a customer at 9:50pm that the shake machine was tore down and being cleaned since 9:45pm.. (which is when we were told to do it, by the GM.. we're not allowed to be there all night). The customer had the manager fired for it. so this single mother of 2 lost her job over a milkshake. But the customer is always right...

      on another instance.. I was working front counter, had been the whole night... someone came in with a bag.. nose high in the air and looking at me like I was scum of the earth.. said they had gotten the salad through drive thru.. she had asked for no cheese.. I had apologized and very enthusiastically and happily offered her a new salad. she then proceeded to take the salad out of the bag and throw it at me... not slide it across the counter... not toss it in front of me on the counter... actually threw it at me and hit me with it where it busted open all over me. (I think she had planned that because it had dressing on it already) asked me "does that look like no F'ing cheese?" I had offered a new salad again... "I had to drive 45 minutes to come back here!!!!!" "I'm sorry we got your salad wrong. I assure you it was not me that made the salad. But It would be my pleasure to make you a correct salad." "I had to drive 45 minutes to come back here!!!!" "I'm sorry you had a long drive. I would be happy to make you a new salad" . . . "I want to speak to a manager!!!!" by this point the manager had hear the foul screaming and came out... "This stupid B' F'ed up my salad! I asked for no cheese and I had to drive 45 minutes to come back!!!" This is when the manager saw her salad on me. knowing I was allergic to a few of the ingredients. I was on the verge of tears.. I've never been treated so sub-human in my life. I told him I told her i would be happy to make her a fresh salad. the woman then started to demand I be fired. and that the customer was always right... This had played out for quite a bit. I'm not sure exactly how it ended.. I had to be excused to get the salad off of me that was starting to burn. And this was not the first, nor the last time I was treated so foul.. I stayed with it because I kept lying to myself that not all people are like this.. I ended up transferring to another CFA.. to escape the treatment. there are people out there that abuse nice people. After I moved to a place that had no CFA for me to transfer to. I had told my husband I was never going into fast food again. No matter how desperate we got.

      the ones that are complaining about this blog..(Some, not all) are most likely guilty of doing these things.. I've noticed in life that people do not like their wrongs pointed out to them.. I hate to point out.. its free speech... its the same argument they would use if someone had an issue with what they said. Sometimes using the anonymity of the internet.. is a more safe place to rant and get things off of our chest so we do NOT take it out on guests.. and all the judgmental people assuming she treated the guests wrong... go judge somewhere else.. I 100% Guarantee you are not perfect.

  62. I worked at a CFA for 3+ years. I got a huge laugh out of this because i remember having comversations with cowrokes about the same topics...heres my problem with the people getting offended:
    Just bevause the employee has these thoughts doesnt mean the customer service is lacking and not put forth because, for example, if you ask for 10 sauces we will certainly give them to you but in my head im gonna question if you really need it. If you ask for no tomatoes on your salad, youll get a freshly made new one but someone will be aggrevated that they have to do it in the middle of lunch or dinner rush, if you answer yes to a question like what would you like to drink, ill politely reask the question if that doesnt help ill ask you to pull to the window and we will sort out any question with a smile there. Have you ever had annoying, INNER thoughts for your,job?? These points are just merely what goes through her head when,this happens...doesnt mean the smile disappears, the 2nd mile service still remains, and the customer always leaves with a have a great day and my pleasure. If youve ever had customer service at a cfa im,sorry but everyone ive ever run into loves the customer service and ive never heard a bad that should say something.

    1. Wow! Auto correct is horrible sos oery for all of the typos!
      Conversations ; co-workers ; experience

  63. What I have always liked most about CFA and the reason I go there more than any other fast food chain is the upbeat, positive, nice attitude of the staff. I sure hope I don't run into the employee who wrote this ugly article. FYI, its called WORK for a reason. Customer service means handing out 10 ketchups, changing drinks mid-order and having a smile on your face at 9:59PM. This rant certainly isn't very Christian in spirit. I bet when CFA finds the writer she/he loses their job.

    1. I don't think the writer of this article is being negative or any such thing- lighten up, it's a good-humored article about the ridiculous things you run into when you work at a fast food restaurant. Though I can't speak for everyone, most Chick-fil-A employees are more than happy to hand out ten ketchups or change a drink mid-order, but it's OK to find humor in those things.

  64. You sound like someone who wants to be on wellfare

  65. When I worked at CFA we had a lady ask for "Neapolitan Sauce" instead of Polynesian. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

  66. you must be from one of those Chickfila's they opened up north or something. clearly missed the mark.

  67. also, these are no longer inner thoughts.

    the fact is, it reflects on you and the industry you've chosen to be a part of.

    every one in the world has been annoyed and even justified at some point; however that does not filter a blog post with the company's logo all over it, which contains negative contents about that company, from being inappropriate and unprofessional.

  68. These things could be said about any fast food/restaurant job.

  69. And if you walk in and order in front counter, don't stand there blocking the register after I ask you to go sit down/step to the side when there is a large line of people behind you wanting to ALSO place their order.

  70. I used to be an employee at Chick-fil-A, and I laughed so hard reading this! All so true!!

  71. Coming after 9:45 isn't rude. I've worked in the service industry for a long time. It's our job to serve customers until the store is actually closed...

  72. You sound like a spoiled bitch, haha. If you choose to work in customer service, do it right. If you can't handle it, leave. No need to bash the customers that are the reason you had a job there in the first place.

  73. How dare someone, come into the store when it's open! I've come into a chickfila at about 9:50 for a to-go order, and thankfully, my person was not you. Plus, if I can remember right, people who close are paid for an extra hour for closing activities. Like if chickfila closes at 10, then they're suppose to be there till 11.
    Also I hate when certain chickfila employees give me dirty look when when I order 3 sauces, trust me I will use them all, it's something that comes with the meal, it's not greedy.

  74. Ok so the comment about people coming in at 9:59 or anytime around 9:45ish. Yeah you need to stop your bitching, you can't tell us that you have never gone to a store a few minutes before they closed (and they are open till 10pm for a REASON) and why are you complaining? you are getting paid and YOUR the one who chose that job. I hope you have learned to deal with the public because sweetie, every job you are ever going to have is going to deal with people, its LIFE. If you don't like dealing with people bitching, complaining or asking for extra sauce you can always live with your parents in their basement...

  75. How about you quit bitching and get a better job. You aren't the only one who goes through this.

    1. How about you quit bitching about my bitching!

  76. Who cares if someone want their shake in a bag? Or pronounces the sauce "polynaise"? Or anything else. Quit whining. Find another job. You'll probably whine and complain there, too.

    1. Uhm, we care because we don't want you complaining that your milkshake got all over because the lid popped off when you tried to take it out of the bag. We have DRINK carriers for a reason.

  77. I work at CFA, and some of these do get annoying, but I have no problem changing my order if you change your mind, its my job. Just don't get mad at me after words, do not treat me like a door nap. I also do not enjoy customers that, while we are super busy, stop me to ask for a refill or sauce when I am in the middle of doing something. It makes it hard to get things done, but I truly agree with number 7. show some respect, and figure out what time we close, we are people to and we can't just leave as soon as we lock the doors.

    In fact let me correct this for her, since half of these are our job anyways:
    1. You know, as much as I would love to sell something to you and makke my boss happy, I do not mind getting you 10 sauces
    2. I may not enjoy having to fetch my manager to make a new salad for you, and it may just be easier to throw away the tomatoes, but as long as your understanding and patient It will be my pleasure.
    3. I always find these kinda funny, I will always laugh a little and repeat my request... hearing is hard sometimes.
    4. This does get a tiny bit aggravating, because Now I have to redo it just to make things easier on all of us, however I am the one who gets the short end of the stick.
    5. we do have cup holders, why not ask for some water to even out our 2 side cup holders. I just don't want you wasting your money if the milkshake spills, because I cannot replace it. I have a gentlemen who asks me to put his milk shake in a 32 oz cup to protect it from spilling, I do not mind doing that for him, but the bag can mean losing your delicious shake and all that money.
    6. I do not have a drive thru in my location, but if there are a group of you in front of my register, please be patient with me while I try to do this for you. I am only human.
    7. Please respect me, my location closes at 9 on weekdays and 10 on weekends.... I have a home to get to a family to take care of, and homework to get done, I have spent up to 2 hours trying to close down the story after closing.... all because a bus load of kids came in 5 minutes before we closed and trashed everything.
    8. Someone else may order dr. pepper. I can get you another drink... you ARE the customer and it IS my job.
    9. You being slow can actually mean I can breathe for a second... take your time!
    10. I do not have a drive thru location, but that said, after I asked you to hold on a moment while I get your change, sauces, or drink, and you walk off. I have to scout you out because sometimes you cannot hear me yelling across the room. please wait a moment!
    11. well... this goes for all food locations, we did ask you first.
    12. I think calling other people Mentally handicapped because they made a mistake is RUDE. I have a mentally handicapped aunt and just because your being Human doesn't mean I need to insult you. Lets just make a small joke out of a mistake,
    13. Yes, this is my job, yes just tell me size and flavor!
    14. Its a weird word, I can understand mispronouncing it.

    I have worked at chick fil a for TWO years, I take pride in my patience and service, and I understand you are a human being as long as you understand I am one as well. I want to be helpful, I want you to feel welcome. This post this person made makes me upset, because she obviously does not understand her job as a chick fil a Employee.

    1. I've worked at Chick-Fil-A for over a year. Sure, not as long as you. I'm currently a Team Leader there. However, this entire post is meant to be funny. A funny post that other Chick-Fil-A employees can relate to and laugh to. She obviously wouldn't say any of this to a customers face, but let's all be completely honest, we've all said it in our heads before. It's part of the job, the sometimes/almost always, picky customers and the irritation that can occur. This post is not meant to cause anger from other, or to cause people to complain about how she needs to find a new job because she obviously has no respect for human beings. To be quite honest, buses of 30 who come in 10 minutes before closing without calling, have no respect for us. Customers who are nothing but rude because they had a bad day and they want to throw their anger and emotions on us because they think they are better than some high school and college people working at a fast service restaurant, have no respect for us. People who decided to be lazy and go through the drive-thru when ordering a massive milkshake order when they could have easily come in and helped us stay out of the red completely, have no respect for us. She knows her job as an employee, but she also knows that Chick-Fil-A employees could relate to this and laugh and continue with their day as they go to work and enjoy their job. Lighten up, learn some humor, and give the girl a break.

      Please, Thank You, My Pleasure.

    2. KS -- you are entitled to your opinion as much as I am. One thing I will say though, was that I definitely did understand my job at CFA. I worked there for over two years, the last several months of which I actually managed the drive-thru. This post pertains to DT because that was my world -- trust me, at our store doing $1,300 an hour through the window, we had a different perspective than you. It doesn't mean I didn't love my job at the end of the day or that I was ever rude to a guest. This post was a sarcastic list of common jokes I had with my fellow coworkers, nothing more.

      Karly -- we could be friends.

  78. Bri I respect the fact that you have things that bother you about your job, it means you're completely normal and I can totally see how some of those things would be irritating but you're paid to work and serve the customer. Just because you might have to god forbid work a little bit harder some of the time than other times should not be a reason to blow a gasket. in the most blunt way I can put it: quit bitching and work hard for the money that you are voluntarily working for.

    1. Oh dear sir, this was most definitely not me blowing a gasket. This is me being a sarcastic asshole (at least that's what I hear). 98% of my fellow CFAers are the only ones who seem to read this post for what it was, which speaks to the fact of what audience this was meant for. I promise you, when I wrote this two years ago, I never expected it to become something that would be viewed by 200,000+ people and cause so much controversy. It's called humor. At least by my definition.

    2. Yeah Bri, apparently you need to have worked or being working at CFA for this to make sense lol
      I feel your pain, and all of these points are totally true.

  79. Let me add a few more:

    1. When I ask you to pull up to the END of the curb because we're working on fresh food for you and you pull up half a car length, don't get upset with me when I have to come outside and ask you to move up further.

    2. Realize that employees are humans too and we make mistakes. I'm sorry we messed up your order but being rude when we do isn't helping anyone.

    3. On that note, when you call and say "we forgot your sandwich, this happens every time," maybe it's time that you start checking your order before you leave.

    4. Also, when you drive off without getting your four milkshakes, don't yell at us. How do you drive off without getting your four milkshakes?

    5. When Chick-fil-A makes a decision to stop carrying a product, don't act like we did this to you on purpose. I'm sorry you can't get Carrot & Raisin Salad anymore, but it wasn't our choice (I actually had a customer say to me, "You tell Truett Cathy he's an ***hole" because we stopped carrying Blue Cheese salad dressing. Um, calm down).

    I could probably think of a lot more too, lol.

  80. I worked at a CFA for nearly two years. I actually had a customer ask for pterodactyl sauce once... I stared at them for a few seconds and then said "I'm sorry, do you mean Polynesian sauce?" and they replied "Yeah, pomanesisian sauce" or something not even close... I also had countless customers ask for the stupidest things. Some days it was hard, but some days I loved my job, the people I worked with, and the customers I had the pleasure of serving. A few of the customers even became friends that I would speak with for several minutes whenever they came to eat. Lots of interesting experiences to say the least.

    1. Hawaiian sauce my good man, Hawaiian :D There's also someone who said Polypanesian once.

  81. Don't forget that the Chickflia Sauce isn't Arby's Sauce...

  82. This is what people bitch about now? Yeah, I'm young and restless too, but holy shit. Pretty much any job has this amount of hardship, if not more.

  83. I think people forget that just because Chickfila employees are genuine in their service doesn't mean they don't have irritations and wish people would pay attention and be polite and curteous in return. I enjoyed talking with customers and doing for them but it was extremely irritating when people came through drive through with special orders and refuse to pull into a parking space so people behind them could get their order and go. It was irritating to have people order food and drive to the window and have to get out and open the trunk to get purses and wallets etc to pay for the order. Yes I understand it is a customer service job but it is called fast food because people are suppose to be able to order their food, get it, and go within 3 minutes. Most people fail to consider the little things they do in the drive through that slows down the process and yet get irritated and irate with employees for it. They get angry when their order is wrong but fail to recognize they did not even acknowledge the employees reading the order back 3 different times.

  84. Just in case anyone is confused, I am a former lab tech in a cancer research lab who graduated from a top 25 university and am now getting a Master's in Teaching from a top 10 program nationally. I plan on teaching high school Biology and working in mental health advocacy. I work at Chick-Fil-a because everyone who didn't grow up rich and spoiled works a working-class job at some point in their life. So no, not all people who work in fast food are losers who can't get their shit together and, honestly, even the career people include a lot of smart, hard-working individuals.

    TL;DR ... If you insult people who work in fast food, you just end up looking like a classless idiot.

  85. It's called a job. The customers arent there to please you. Also, every restaurant has the same problems not just cfa, cfa is thebonly place I've seen with great service but you just don't know what it means to let go of your pride and just do your job. Boohoo. Someone doesn't like tomatos and asks for no tomatos. Who cares? I bet there's crap you dont like and ask to have whatever it is taken off whatever it is you want to order. Grow up, do your job and possibly grow some balls and stop being a pussy. You make it seem like your job is so difficult. It must be so hard to work at a fast food joint. It must've been hard if you quit. I wonder if you could actually make it in the real world. I doubt it.

  86. I work at Chick-fil-a as well and yes, I do get agitated at unreasonable or ridiculous requests or rude customers especially when chick fil a employees go out of their way to make the customers experience one of a kind, but let's face it, you work at chick fil a which is a fast food chain that holds employees to a very high standard and in return we get excellent opportunities presented to us like flexible scheduling and an operator who involves and encourages a close team of workers, so if you're going to post things like this with a company's name on it that holds customer experience and satisfaction to a high standard, than maybe you should find a different fast food chain to work at because Chick-fil-a obviously isn't for you. If you have an issue with a guest or a bad day at work, complain about it in the privacy of your own home or possibly another team member when you aren't at work, but not on the internet.
    However, the Polynesian sauce addition was very funny.

    1. I've read every post here. I have a question, though. What is wrong with asking for your drink to be placed in a bag? I have small hands that are cold sensitive. Sometimes the drink sweats and is slippery, so it is easier to carry it in a bag. Actually, I only ask for a bag when I order a shake (along with one or two other orders). It is easier to carry shakes in a bag at times rather than in a cup holder. I don't understand why this request is so funny or odd. I'd appreciate if someone could explain it a bit more so I could see the humor in it.

    2. As a member of the food service industry, I get where the rant is coming from. I am a bartender and want to shove things in peoples faces and cuss them out daily in my job. However, it's MY JOB. And also, placing your companies name directly in your rant is really a bad idea and the type of thing that chic-fil-a would never want connected to them. If I were your employer and I knew who you were, I'd fire you in a heart beat.

    3. While I respect your opinion as much as my own, I have the feeling that they will have a really hard time firing me from a job that I quit last year....

  87. Welcome to the world, Bri. No matter what you do in life, you're going to be dealing with major and minor irritations. The fact is, we are all just trying to handle our own responsibilities the best we can. A customer does not know what the "system" at Chick-fil-A" is, that's your job. If you get ahead of yourself by beginning to fill someone's order before that have actually finished ordering, that's your bad. A mother with a carload of kids trying to hand out the food before driving away - that's safer than doing it while driving. When you get irritated over little things, remember that you don't know what your customer may be going through. It just could be that they are dealing with major life problems and heartaches that you know nothing about. Show compassion and grace and when your time comes, maybe someone will be patient with you.

  88. To everyone complaining about this former employee complaining, I bet you never worked fast food. Consider this: if you are a parent, do you ever get irritated with your kids, and maybe one day you're talking to a friend about how much of a knucklehead your kid is, and you maybe say that you wish you could beat some sense into them or something to that effect? Well you're a parent, deal with it. It's part of the job. Or maybe it's therapeutic for you to just say those things to someone, but really you love your kids with all your heart. So stop taking what this person said so personally. I'm sure she was a great employee who decided to move on to something else.

  89. I totally agree with bj betz! You never know what someone else is dealing with. But I suppose that goes for you too, we don't know what your life is like either. Part of not knowing what people are going through is that you may not understand (especially in retail) why some people do what they do. For example, you complained about having to make a new salad for someone who doesn't want tomatoes because you think they just don't like tomatoes and therefore don't want "tomato dust" on their salad. Little do you realize, some people are allergic to raw tomatoes. So it isn't always that someone wants you to make them a whole new salad, but that they could have an allergic reaction to the one that you made in advance. Instead of fussing at customers, perhaps you should have suggested to the managers that they pre-make some without tomatoes. That's what a good employee would have done!

  90. Wow. How professional is this!? Guess work in CUSTOMER SERVICE. It is not your job to complain! The public is the public, this stuff happens everywhere. I hope corporate doesn't see this. Or better yet I do...because this is awful and ridiculous. We are not going to put a crown on your head and pat you on the back giving you just the "easy customers" GET OVER YOURSELF. This really makes me not want to eat at Chick-Fil-A at all anymore. So what, if I change my mind about my drink or need to add something at the window now I am supposed to be scared to ask? Screw that, you are getting paid to serve people. Get a clue.
